Add Tasks

Now that you have completed Team Member Setup and System Options, you are ready to enter your own tasks.

Firstly select Tasks>>, Set Form Size... from the Task Manager top menubar to set the Task Add/Edit screen (shown below) to a size that you prefer.

Now, add a task:

Basic Entry

  • Select Tasks», Add New... from the Task Manager top menubar

    Screenshot: Add Tasks

  • Progress through desired fields entering your own task data. Task Description and Team Member are required fields
  • When you've finished entering your task information, enter another task by pressing F12 or by clicking on the new record button New record button at the bottom of the form. Alternately close the form Close form button and the task will be automatically saved.
  • There may be default values appearing in some fields each time you create a new task. For example, values may appear under the Time Budget or Person columns. This occurs if a Quick Entry Template named "Default" has any values set. These values can be cleared by:

    • Selecting Tasks», Setup», Quick Entry Templates... from the Task Manager top menubar
    • Clearing any unwanted field values for the template named "Default".
Tutorial: Add Tasks